Wednesday, May 21, 2008

God Uses what You Have

God uses what you have to fill a need which you never could have filled.
God uses where you are to take you where you never could have gone
God uses what you can do to accomplish what you never could have done
God uses who you are to let you become who you never could have been

In the Bible you find many stories of people that God used in incredible ways. For instance the widow with the jar of oil; God used the little oil that she had to pay her debts and was able to live with her children with the rest of the money she got from selling the oil.
Joseph is a good example of how God can use you where you are, and take you where you never could have gone. Joseph went from a slave to the second most powerful person in the nation of Egypt
Another example is the eight year old child who became one of the greatest revolutionary kings in the history of Israel. Josiah brought the nation of Israel back to God in his early age.
If God could use all these people why can't He use you? Just let Him and you will see the wonders He is going to accomplish in your life and the lives of those around you!!! God never call the qualified, He qualifies the called! Sometimes it may seem to you that you cannot do it or you do not have what it takes; But if you can just surrender your will to God, He can work wonders that you cannot even imagine!

1 comment:

Sendy Monarrez said...

I love this quote: "God never call the qualified, He qualifies the called"