I did not want to have any part in the crucifixion.
I did not want to be the one to pierce His hands.
Those loving hands that were helping and healing people;
I tried desperately to hide among the other nails so that I won’t be picked.
Suddenly, a bright light came shinning through.
I was blinded for a moment.
When my eyes adjusted themselves to the light, to my shocking surprise,
I saw myself on His hands.
Oh no I cried to myself, I was chosen.
Suddenly, out of nowhere came rushing a huge hammer down right at me.
It hit me right on the head and before I knew it, I went right through His delicate hand.
I was sad and devastated to be the one to do that,
But He looked at me and whispered with a gentle voice as that of a mother reassuring her child, and said, "it was meant to happen. I had to die in order for them to live".
All I could think of at that moment was "I nailed the Savior to the cross."
I am the nail.
By Crissy Ramroop & Tresor Mulumba